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How to Give Dawah
How to Make Dua
How to Give Islamic Dawah (inviting others to Islam)
World Best Islamic Scholars
Identifying the "best" Islamic scholar can be subjective, as it often depends on specific areas of expertise, personal beliefs, and cultural context. However, several scholars are widely respected for their contributions to Islamic thought, theology, and scholarship. Some notable figures include:
1. **Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah**: A prominent scholar known for his work in Islamic jurisprudence and interfaith dialogue.2. **Dr. Yasir Qadhi**: A well-known scholar and educator who addresses contemporary issues facing Muslims.
3. **Sheikh Hamza Yusuf**: An influential American Islamic scholar, known for his teachings and writings on various Islamic topics.
4. **Mufti Menk**: A popular speaker and scholar known for his accessible lectures and motivational talks.
5. **Dr. Tariq Ramadan**: A Swiss academic and writer who focuses on Islamic thought and its relevance in the modern world.
Each of these scholars brings unique perspectives and expertise. If you’re interested in a particular area of Islamic scholarship, I can provide more tailored recommendations!
Some More Islamic Scholar is followingZakir Naik
Zakir Naik is an Indian Islamic preacher and speaker known for his lectures on Islam and comparative religion. He is the founder of the Islamic Research Foundation and is known for his debates and discussions on various religious topics, often focusing on the similarities between Islam and other religions. His approach combines a scholarly perspective with a focus on modern issues, but he has also faced controversy and criticism for some of his statements and interpretations. Would you like to know more about a specific aspect of his work or beliefs?
Ahmed DeedatAhmed Deedat was a South African Islamic scholar and public speaker known for his work in comparative religion. He gained prominence in the 1970s and 1980s for his debates with Christian evangelists and his focus on promoting Islamic teachings. Deedat founded the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) and authored several books that address misconceptions about Islam and offer arguments for its validity. His style was direct and confrontational, which made him a notable figure in interfaith dialogue. Would you like more information on his debates or writings?
Dawah Tips: How to Give Dawah Effectively Online
**Dawah Tips: How to Give Dawah Effectively Online** In today’s digital age, online platforms present incredible opportunities for sharing ...
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আবূ হুরায়রাহ্ (রাঃ) হতে বর্ণিত। তিনি বলেন, রসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম বলেছেনঃ যখন রমাযান (রমজান) মাসের প্রথম রাত হয়, শয়তান ও...